The award winning MRI machine uses the latest technology to produce high quality images for radiologists and physicians, while ensuring that the patient has the most comfortable experience possible.
The Airis ll’s spacious open design is designed to accommodate any phobias or anomalies that a patient may present, including claustrophobia, pediatrics, corpulent bodies, and more. Patients who lie in the imaging bed are completely exposed as opposed to being enclosed.
During an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) procedure, the patient lies flat on the MRI bed, as radio frequency waves driven by powerful magnets are directed at the body. Protons in the body, which are extremely sensitive to magnetism, emit magnetic signals, which are interpreted by the MRI machine. This produces an image that becomes visible through MRI technology.
The imaging created by our advanced Open MRI machine provides an accurate view of the inside of the patient’s body. The MRI machine is especially useful in ruling out and narrowing down the possible cause of your current symptoms.